Laser Acne Scars and Acne Spots Treatment

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  2. Laser Acne Scars and Acne Spots Treatment

Laser Acne Scars and Acne Spots Treatment

Laser acne scars and acne blemishes treatment is a solution that can be effective for the skin problem, which is commonly known as acne and is intensely encountered during adolescence. It is possible to say that acne, in which genetic predisposition is an important factor, usually appears as an inflamed wheal in red tones on our skin.

You can find an effective solution to your acne problem with Laser acne scars and acne spots treatment. It is possible to get rid of acne with the laser procedure applied for chronic acne that is not temporary. Laser acne treatment can provide many benefits to your skin as well as drying acne.

What is Laser Acne Treatment?

Chronic acne problem is a problem that needs to be emphasised and dealt with. Ignoring the acne problem can cause spots on your face and psychological disorders. Laser application for acne treatment has become very popular in recent years. Laser technology can dry the pimples with the heat effect it creates and make them fall out. At the same time, it helps to control skin oiliness that will cause acne formation in the future. The effect can be seen from the first session and a great deal of cleaning can be achieved after the last session. In addition to cleaning acne, it has many benefits for the skin.

Laser Acne Treatment Benefits

Laser technology can provide many benefits that will make your skin look cleaner and smoother;

  • Helps drying and exfoliation of acne
  • Helps to control skin oiliness
  • It can make acne formation difficult by tightening the pores
  • It helps you get a firmer, smoother and healthier skin.

You can contact us to get detailed information about treatment and fees and to book an appointment. If you wish, you can request us to get back to you by filling out the contact form below.


How to Treat Acne Scars and Acne Spots with Laser?

It is known that Fractional Carbon Dioxide laser systems can be effective in the treatment of acne spots. Laser applications are applied on the face and back areas after the examination of the Specialist Doctor. Laser shots at the energy level determined according to the depth and prevalence of acne scars are applied to the problematic areas and it is aimed to create low level damages in the application area where the skin can renew itself. These damages help to reduce the depth of acne spots, open and shrink the pores on the skin, improve skin tone and remove fine wrinkles on the skin.

The laser treatment plan of acne spots varies according to the intensity of acne spots and the depth of the spots, but on average, it is between 2-6 sessions with a few weeks intervals and in total. After the sessions, protecting the damaged skin from external factors can help to increase the results to be obtained and reduce unwanted side effects that may occur. People can continue their normal lives after laser acne treatment application.

There is a certain amount of pain during the treatment. The intensity of this pain is subjective as the pain threshold varies from person to person. Anaesthetic creams can be applied to the application area before the application in order to feel less pain, and pain can be minimised with cold air circulation during the application.

After Laser Acne Treatment

After laser acne treatment, crusting and redness may occur on your skin, but this is expected. It can heal on its own in a short time. After the sessions, it is necessary to protect the skin from sunlight and use sunscreen. You can effectively get rid of acne after laser treatment, which can start to show its effect from the first session.

Acne Scar Treatment with Laser

You can find a solution for your existing acne with laser as well as a solution for your acne scars. By using the high heat capability of laser technology, it is aimed to melt the tissue layer with scars and reveal a healthy skin layer. Thus, it is possible to get rid of acne scars with laser. The procedure can be programmed between one and five sessions depending on the condition of the spots.

Lazerle Akne İzleri ve Sivilce Lekeleri Tedavisi

Why does acne appear?

It is possible to say that the causes of the formation of acne are genetic predisposition, oily skin structure, hormonal irregularities, goitre disease, cysts and the proliferation of bacteria and the residual substances produced by them as a result of overworking of the sebaceous glands and blockage of the sebaceous ducts due to the presence of one or more of these causes.

We call the scars left by acne on our skin both after the treatment applied and after the end of adolescence as acne scars or acne spots. If the treatment is started at the beginning of the formation, the damage left by these scars on our skin can remain at a low level, but if the treatment is not applied, it brings a very difficult treatment process to regain its smooth appearance.

Treatment of acne can be carried out with appropriate drug treatment and the use of topical cream suitable for treatment after the problem is fully detected.

Apart from medical treatments, acne, which has a very limited treatment plan, is likely to occur again after treatment.