Face Filling

Facial filler is an effective application performed to make our face, which reflects the effects of time the most, look younger and fresh. Our face reflects not only the traces of time but also many traces such as deformations, scars from wounds, scars from surgical interventions. In this sense, it would not be wrong to say that it is one of the most aesthetically intervened parts.

One of the products used to eliminate or alleviate many problems such as summer scars on our face, fine or thick wrinkles, hollow areas, mild sagging over time, acne scars, mild and moderate nose edge lines, asymmetrical appearances on the face, intervention in other areas where fullness is desired to be given is filling.

How is Face Filling Done?

The substance used for filling is hyaluronic acid, which is the substance that our body produces itself to do this job. After the hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, it combines with the hyaluronic acid produced by the body and helps to achieve the desired result in the application area.

Facial Filling is an application based on the principle of replacing this chemical compound, which is found in the lower layers of our skin and decreases over time. After the application of hyaluronic acid, it can absorb the water in our body, act as cushioning in the application area and provide a fullness. This cushioning task can become less pronounced by pushing the problems in our skin upwards from our skin. Hyaluronic acid is excreted from our body in small pieces over time and the application area can return to its previous state before the application is performed.

You can contact us to get detailed information about treatment and fees and to book an appointment. If you wish, you can request us to get back to you by filling out the contact form below.

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Although the permanence of facial filler varies depending on the area, amount and whether it has been applied to that area before, it can last up to 12 months on average. Facial filling procedures can be performed as a combined application with CT transfer.

Before the facial filler application, local anaesthetic cream is applied to the application areas to minimise the pain to be felt by the person to be treated. You can continue your daily life after the application. A slight swelling or bruising may be observed in the application areas, these are temporary conditions. Although it is an aesthetic application, it is important to note that the application should be performed by a specialist doctor in order to prevent both the success of the application and unwanted side effects.