Male laser epilation Ankara is a laser epilation process for men to eliminate unwanted hair and hair problems by applying laser epilation.
Male laser epilation is one of the services we offer in our polyclinic located in Ankara Tunalı Hilmi Street. Today, unwanted hair problem poses a problem for men as well as women. Therefore, men can also have laser hair removal with peace of mind.
Male Laser Hair Removal Ankara Çankaya
Various hairs and feathers can be seen in different parts of the human body. These feathers can be in different regions and in different structures in men and women. Different methods have been developed for the unwanted hair problem from past to present. However, none of them have been as effective as laser hair removal. Laser epilation has been developed for the removal of hairs and hairs in various parts of the body. Laser hair removal, which is a very safe application, has become preferred by both women and men in a short time. Because unwanted hair problem is an important aesthetic problem for men as well as women. You can choose laser epilation to eliminate this problem.
As DrDerm Polyclinic, we provide service in Ankara Çankaya. We perform various laser epilation applications in our center located on Tunali Street. Our laser epilation applications, which men can also benefit from, are carried out with FDA-approved devices. Our guests are very satisfied with the male laser hair removal treatment we perform using the latest technology laser systems. If you are also experiencing unwanted hair problems, you can contact us and get detailed information about the treatment plan specially prepared for you.

Male Laser Hair Removal Prices
Laser hair removal systems are spread all over the world today. Thanks to the widespread use of laser epilation applications, it has become easier to reach this treatment and has become accessible to everyone. As a result of all these, laser epilation application has become preferred by men as well as women.
Men usually have more hair and fluff on their body than women. In some cases, these hairs can be at a level that can cause discomfort to the person. Especially in summer, the problem of unwanted hair becomes more apparent during a sea vacation. People with undesirable hair on their body may experience discomfort and self-confidence problems. With laser hair removal, this problem can be easily solved.
Male laser hair removal prices may vary according to the needs of the person. Factors such as the area to be treated, the hair structure of the person and skin color play an important role when determining laser prices. In addition, since the male laser hair removal treatment is prepared specifically for the person, the prices may vary from person to person. You can contact us for free consultation and price information.
How Many Sessions Does Male Laser Hair Removal Take?
Laser hair removal applications are made in regular sessions. It is not correct to give precise session information in laser epilation applications. Because everyone’s skin structure, skin color and hair structure are different from each other. However, in men, session times can vary between 5 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the width of the area where laser epilation treatment will be applied.
Male laser hair removal applications are usually completed in fewer sessions compared to women. The biggest reason for this is that men’s hair follicles are wider. Thus, in laser epilation applications, the laser penetrates the hair follicles of men more easily. Laser hair removal treatments for men can usually be completed between 4 and 8 sessions. After this period, permanent results can be seen in people. The time to wait between sessions varies according to the area where laser epilation is applied. However, it may be necessary to wait for periods ranging from 15 days to 45 days between two sessions.

How Is Male Laser Hair Removal Done?
The way laser hair removal treatment is applied for both women and men is the same. Aim; is the removal of unwanted hair. The difference here is that the male body and the female body are different. Naturally, skin and hair structures are also different. The hair on the body of men is thicker and deeper than that of women. In this way, laser beams can be absorbed more easily by the hairs of men. Male Ankara laser hair removal process is generally done as follows;
First of all, laser epilation device is selected according to the area to be laser epilated and hair color.
Then laser beams are sent to the area.
Laser beams are absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair root and the laser beams are converted into heat energy here.
Heat energy creates a small amount of controlled damage to the hair root
Thus, the hair root begins to weaken.
As a result of the process continued in sessions, thinning and weakening of the hair root can be seen.
If the sessions are continued, the hairs can be removed permanently.